This blog is designed to keep family and friends updated on the headlines of the Hoelscher Household. It's also a place to share recipes, faith, and thoughts on life.
August 2013

Photo by KME Photography
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Change in Plans
Well I had my appointment this morning, and I still have my cerclage/stitch. The doctor decided not to take it out because baby is still breech. It's pretty unlikely at this point that baby would turn on his own because babies typically find their permanent spot around 32-34 weeks. If they know they're going to do a c-section, they just wait and take the stitch out at the same time as the c-section. However, we're now in a major predicament...the doctor said that they can try and and physically turn the baby by manipulating him from the outside (a procedure called external version), or we can just plan a c-section (unless baby would still miraculously turn). The doctor (same doctor that admitted me to the hospital in my first pregnancy AND delivered Brecken) didn't have a strong opinion one way or the other. Part of me is like, why not at least TRY turning him to have a chance at avoiding a c-section and longer recovery? The worst thing that could really happen is that they'd have to deliver the baby right away IF baby showed signs of distress from the procedure. Well we already know that baby could come at any point as it is, so that doesn't really phase us. However, the other part of me is like...just let whatever happens, happen. If baby miraculously turns on his own, GREAT, if not, then I have a c-section and so be it. It would certainly be easier to NOT have a c-section, but I'm just so thrilled to basically be full-term that I don't care that much how baby comes. The down side of a c-section is obviously the recovery...I don't really know what that would be like, but they say it's like your body just went through major surgery (which would of course be nice to avoid if possible).
Ugh...decisions, decisions! We'll keep thinking it over and praying, and I need to call the clinic back later this week to let them know the final decision. IF we try to do the version/turning, they do that around 37 weeks, so that would likely be done down at Abbott next week sometime. I'll keep you posted...
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
35 Week Update & Thank you!
First off, here are the pictures I promised of the baby's room including the stripes that DJ did so graciously:
It's been a while since I've posted a pregnancy update, but thankfully there really hasn't been much to report. I'm now 35 1/2 weeks pregnant, and after 2 FULL MONTHS of bedrest I am soooo close to finally being done! Sunday will be my official last day of bedrest and then Monday I will be FREEEEEE...I can't wait to spend quality time with Brecken! At that point I'll be 36 weeks and although full-term doesn't technically start until 37 weeks (and my due date isn't until Aug. 27th), they don't do anything to prevent labor once you hit 36 weeks. In fact, at my 34 week appointment, the nurse told us that they don't do anything different when delivering a 36 week baby than they do for a 40 week baby - the NICU team doesn't even come over for the delivery :) The baby would probably still have to go to the "Special Care Nursery" to be monitored for a short time, but hopefully that would be it. I can't even begin to explain how happy that makes me feel after all of this. It has been my goal...well "goal" might not be the right's been my DREAM to be able to hold this baby in my arms when he's born and take him home with us when I'm discharged. However, with the complications I had that started at 27 weeks, my doubt got the best of me and I really wasn't so sure that either of these things would happen. With each week that passed though, I was just so thankful that I was farther along than I was with my first pregnancy and that this baby wouldn't require nearly as long of a hospital stay as Brecken did.
This coming Tuesday, July 31, is a BIG day for us, as that is my next doctor appointment and at that time they will remove the cerclage (stitch) that they placed at the end of my first trimester. After the removal, labor can begin within hours....or it can still be a few weeks! The home nurse that was here earlier this week recommended that I bring my bags along "just in case." I'm really comfortable with either scenario...if baby comes right away, I'm confident that he'll still be healthy (PRAISE THE LORD!) and that is all I really care about at this point. However, if baby holds off for a couple weeks, that is completely fine too because I'm really looking forward to having some quality time with Brecken before baby arrives, and it would also benefit me to have some time off of bedrest to start regaining some of my strength before I have a newborn to take care of! Baby is still in a transversal/ breech position as of Tuesday this week, so hopefully he turns before delivery. Brecken turned just a couple of days before he was born, so I'm hoping this baby will also turn to the correct position. I would rather not have to recover from a C-section on top of recovering from 2 months of bedrest. However, I will be completely thrilled if, like I said before, I can hold my baby after birth and take him home with me. If those two things happen, it would DEFINITELY make every minute of these 9 weeks of bedrest worth it!
We are so relieved to be soooo close to 36 weeks, and we praise God for another miracle! We know that it is only because of Him that I have made it this far after my cervix started thinning and funneling at 27 weeks, and I had that trip to the hospital during week 27 that required me to get a shot to prevent the beginning stages of labor.
Finally, I want to take a minute to say "thank you" to everyone who has helped us out during this difficult time. "Thank you" just isn't enough to express the gratitude that we have for all of the support we've received over these past couple of months. To everyone who has prepared a meal, dropped by for a visit, helped with housework, helped care for Brecken, written an encouraging note, or prayed for our family, we say, "thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!" We couldn't have made it without all of your love and support! I have had many difficult moments emotionally during this lengthy bedrest, and I can't tell you how many times I have felt someone's prayer, or received an encouraging word, or a phone call or visit from a friend at just the right time! We thank God for the many wonderful family and friends He has blessed us with! You have blessed our lives, and we will do our best to pass it on and help out others in a time of need!
God bless you all!
Laura, DJ, Brecken, and "baby brother"
The name will be added on the wall later ;) |
Sooooo happy to be at 35 weeks! |
This coming Tuesday, July 31, is a BIG day for us, as that is my next doctor appointment and at that time they will remove the cerclage (stitch) that they placed at the end of my first trimester. After the removal, labor can begin within hours....or it can still be a few weeks! The home nurse that was here earlier this week recommended that I bring my bags along "just in case." I'm really comfortable with either scenario...if baby comes right away, I'm confident that he'll still be healthy (PRAISE THE LORD!) and that is all I really care about at this point. However, if baby holds off for a couple weeks, that is completely fine too because I'm really looking forward to having some quality time with Brecken before baby arrives, and it would also benefit me to have some time off of bedrest to start regaining some of my strength before I have a newborn to take care of! Baby is still in a transversal/ breech position as of Tuesday this week, so hopefully he turns before delivery. Brecken turned just a couple of days before he was born, so I'm hoping this baby will also turn to the correct position. I would rather not have to recover from a C-section on top of recovering from 2 months of bedrest. However, I will be completely thrilled if, like I said before, I can hold my baby after birth and take him home with me. If those two things happen, it would DEFINITELY make every minute of these 9 weeks of bedrest worth it!
We are so relieved to be soooo close to 36 weeks, and we praise God for another miracle! We know that it is only because of Him that I have made it this far after my cervix started thinning and funneling at 27 weeks, and I had that trip to the hospital during week 27 that required me to get a shot to prevent the beginning stages of labor.
Finally, I want to take a minute to say "thank you" to everyone who has helped us out during this difficult time. "Thank you" just isn't enough to express the gratitude that we have for all of the support we've received over these past couple of months. To everyone who has prepared a meal, dropped by for a visit, helped with housework, helped care for Brecken, written an encouraging note, or prayed for our family, we say, "thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!" We couldn't have made it without all of your love and support! I have had many difficult moments emotionally during this lengthy bedrest, and I can't tell you how many times I have felt someone's prayer, or received an encouraging word, or a phone call or visit from a friend at just the right time! We thank God for the many wonderful family and friends He has blessed us with! You have blessed our lives, and we will do our best to pass it on and help out others in a time of need!
God bless you all!
Laura, DJ, Brecken, and "baby brother"
Sunday, July 15, 2012
My Amazing Husband
I just have to give my husband some credit for the many wonderful things he has been doing over this past month-and-a-half! He has had a TON on his plate with having to do everything by himself: caring for Brecken (and me too!), doing laundry, grocery shopping, running to dr. appointments, etc, etc, etc! There are a lot of guys out there who probably wouldn't even have a clue how to run a household by themselves, but thankfully D.J. knows how to do laundry, cook, and do the grocery shopping. He has been doing a wonderful job at keeping up with everything and really doesn't complain a bit. I am truly blessed to have him as my husband, and I wouldn't want anyone else by my side during this journey! This weekend though, D.J. was even more fabulous than usual...not only did he do all of the laundry, take care of Brecken, and prepare the meals, but he finished painting the baby's room by adding the stripes that I was really wanting :) The room was painted baby blue when DJ's parents were here a couple weeks ago, and I had honestly become perfectly content with the fact that the room would probably just stay that way because life was just too hectic right now to add anything extra that wasn't necessary. However, D.J. and Brecken went and bought the paint Saturday morning, and then during Brecken's nap time Saturday and Sunday, D.J. taped off the walls and painted the stripes! It looks awesome (I'll post final pictures soon), and it's so nice to have a little more pizazz to the room than just the classic baby blue! Then after he finished painting today, he made a delicious dinner of BBQ ribs and potatoes on the grill, and NOW he is out at Target with Brecken picking up groceries and a whole bunch of other stuff on the mile long list.
We are also incredibly thankful for all of the help we've received from family and friends! Our moms have been taking turns caring for Brecken, and while they're here they have been helping out with lots of laundry, cleaning, etc. Plus, for about 3 weeks we had meals provided for us from friends which helped out a ton! That way D.J. didn't have to worry about dinner when he got home from work, and our moms could just focus on caring for Brecken and helping out with housework.
Even with all of the help from others, D.J. has still had many, MANY, things to do, and through all of the stress he continues to be an amazing father and husband! He still manages to find quality time with Brecken, and he has been very patient with me and my endless requests (and I know I haven't been the most pleasant person to be around after being stuck in a bed/recliner for almost 7 weeks!)
The summer after our very long and difficult journey with Brecken, the song "God Gave me You" by Dave Barnes came out and it has been "our song" ever since. Since then, a country version has also come out, but I still like the original version best :) It is truly fitting and I just love that it talks about the "ups and downs" because that is really what love and marriage is all about - sticking through the many ups and downs of life. Here is a link to the music video:
DJ, I am truly blessed that "God Gave Me You!"
We are also incredibly thankful for all of the help we've received from family and friends! Our moms have been taking turns caring for Brecken, and while they're here they have been helping out with lots of laundry, cleaning, etc. Plus, for about 3 weeks we had meals provided for us from friends which helped out a ton! That way D.J. didn't have to worry about dinner when he got home from work, and our moms could just focus on caring for Brecken and helping out with housework.
Even with all of the help from others, D.J. has still had many, MANY, things to do, and through all of the stress he continues to be an amazing father and husband! He still manages to find quality time with Brecken, and he has been very patient with me and my endless requests (and I know I haven't been the most pleasant person to be around after being stuck in a bed/recliner for almost 7 weeks!)
The summer after our very long and difficult journey with Brecken, the song "God Gave me You" by Dave Barnes came out and it has been "our song" ever since. Since then, a country version has also come out, but I still like the original version best :) It is truly fitting and I just love that it talks about the "ups and downs" because that is really what love and marriage is all about - sticking through the many ups and downs of life. Here is a link to the music video:
DJ, I am truly blessed that "God Gave Me You!"
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Big Boy Bed!
This week Brecken moved into his big boy bed so that we could change the toddler bed back into the crib for baby brother. I don't think Brecken could be any more excited! He has seriously been asking for months when he will get his big bed. He had a hard time falling asleep that first night, but I think it was honestly just because he was SO excited! Other than that, he has done really well with the transition. He woke up that next morning and slid off the end of his bed onto the stool (just as DJ instructed him the night before.) All of a sudden he came walking in our room and said, "I slid down my big bed onto my stool!" Then he quickly added, "That was FUN sleeping in my big bed!" :)
We were thankful that my parents delivered the furniture and helped get it set-up! I don't know what we'd do without all of the help from our families over the past month-and-a-half. Here are some pictures from the big event:
We were thankful that my parents delivered the furniture and helped get it set-up! I don't know what we'd do without all of the help from our families over the past month-and-a-half. Here are some pictures from the big event:
Helping Bucka (Grandpa) Dave |
Taking apart the toddler bed |
Me supervising from my resting position ;) |
Bob the Builder? |
Monday, July 9, 2012
A Wonderful Weekend
We enjoyed a really nice weekend...On Saturday morning I drove to the park to meet DJ and Brecken. I can't really do much at the park except sit at the picnic table, but it is still soooo nice to be out and about and at least be around DJ and Brecken because sitting outside at the park sure beats sitting in the recliner staring at the computer screen or TV! Saturday afternoon, DJ and Uncle David took Brecken golfing for his very first round of 9-holes, and they all had a blast.
Sunday was our 6-year anniversary, and I escaped the house for TWO brief outings :) We went to church in the morning, which was an outdoor service, and then in the evening DJ and I went out to dinner to celebrate our anniversary.
So far I've done really well being up and around a little bit more - pregnancy wise I thankfully haven't really felt any changes with contractions or anything. However, I am starting to notice how weak I've gotten from these SIX weeks of total bedrest. By the time I'm done taking my shower and brushing my teeth, my leg muscles are already shaking! I'm 33 weeks now, so I have 3 weeks left of this bedrest. It honestly seems like it wasn't that long ago that it was just the opposite and I had completed just 3 weeks of bedrest and had six more weeks to go! With only 3 weeks left, I'm definitely starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel :) Plus now I'm much more confident that I'll have a healthy baby :) My weekly pregnancy update e-mail from Baby Center says that now at 33-weeks baby should be over 4 pounds - yay!
And finally I'll end with a funny (well sort of funny ;) Brecken story:
Apparently Brecken is 2 going on 12! We were all sitting in the living room just before Brecken's bedtime, and I told Brecken he needed to pick up the pillows (that he had used for a fort) and put them back on the couch. Well he didn't do it, and a couple minutes later it was REALLY time for him to get to bed and he wasn't going, so DJ told him that he had 2 options...he could go and get a book for Mommy to read, or he could just go straight to bed. Brecken said that he wanted a book. He got off the couch to go get a book, but just before he left, he turned back around, looked at the pillows, and then he said to DJ, "Picking up the pillows wasn't a choice. Now YOU have to do it Daddy!" And then he went down the hall to get his book from his room. I think he might be too smart for his own good! We did get a good laugh out of it though after he was out of sight :) Brecken rarely shows his attitude considering he's a two-year-old, so we were completely shocked by his comment (and that's why it was funny even to us!) However, if this is a sign of what's to come, then we're definitely in T-ROUBLE!!!
Sunday was our 6-year anniversary, and I escaped the house for TWO brief outings :) We went to church in the morning, which was an outdoor service, and then in the evening DJ and I went out to dinner to celebrate our anniversary.
So far I've done really well being up and around a little bit more - pregnancy wise I thankfully haven't really felt any changes with contractions or anything. However, I am starting to notice how weak I've gotten from these SIX weeks of total bedrest. By the time I'm done taking my shower and brushing my teeth, my leg muscles are already shaking! I'm 33 weeks now, so I have 3 weeks left of this bedrest. It honestly seems like it wasn't that long ago that it was just the opposite and I had completed just 3 weeks of bedrest and had six more weeks to go! With only 3 weeks left, I'm definitely starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel :) Plus now I'm much more confident that I'll have a healthy baby :) My weekly pregnancy update e-mail from Baby Center says that now at 33-weeks baby should be over 4 pounds - yay!
And finally I'll end with a funny (well sort of funny ;) Brecken story:
Apparently Brecken is 2 going on 12! We were all sitting in the living room just before Brecken's bedtime, and I told Brecken he needed to pick up the pillows (that he had used for a fort) and put them back on the couch. Well he didn't do it, and a couple minutes later it was REALLY time for him to get to bed and he wasn't going, so DJ told him that he had 2 options...he could go and get a book for Mommy to read, or he could just go straight to bed. Brecken said that he wanted a book. He got off the couch to go get a book, but just before he left, he turned back around, looked at the pillows, and then he said to DJ, "Picking up the pillows wasn't a choice. Now YOU have to do it Daddy!" And then he went down the hall to get his book from his room. I think he might be too smart for his own good! We did get a good laugh out of it though after he was out of sight :) Brecken rarely shows his attitude considering he's a two-year-old, so we were completely shocked by his comment (and that's why it was funny even to us!) However, if this is a sign of what's to come, then we're definitely in T-ROUBLE!!!
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
32 weeks and more great news!
Yesterday at my check-up, the doctor approved for me to up 2-4 hours a day! YAY - I am thrilled! The doctor said that since I'm at 32 weeks now, I had that negative fetal fibronectin test last week, and I have two precautionary measures in place as well (cerclage and weekly progesterone injections), it's certainly reasonable for me to be up and about some. He made it sound as if he assumed that I had been doing that much already because he said that most people they put on bedrest don't actually follow all of the restrictions. He said if I start having more contractions, then obviously I need to cut back again, but otherwise it's just fine for me to modify my bedrest and be up 2-4 hours a day. I can now go out to eat on occasion (Yay! I can escape my house for something other than a doctor appointment :) He also said we could drive to the park as a family and I can sit down there to watch Brecken play. I will still be spending the majority of my day in bed or in my recliner, but I am SO happy to have a few more being able to tuck Brecken in at night :)
I think God must have known that I needed a little boost because this exciting news came at just the right time! After a complete month of bedrest, I have been wondering how I was ever going to survive another whole month of sitting around doing nothing. (I really should have jumped up and given the doctor a big bear hug when he gave me the news :) This weekend was especially challenging from an emotional standpoint - this weekend my dad's entire side of the family (including my out-of-state relatives) were all up at my parents' cabin for the annual Meyer family weekend at the lake, and we obviously couldn't go this year. DJ's parents were down at our house this weekend for a family wedding, and while they were here, they helped paint the baby's room. I am VERY thankful for all of their help and it feels great to finally have that done; however, it broke my heart knowing that I was missing the big family weekend at the lake AND I wasn't able to help paint my own baby's room!
Here are some pictures of the painting that I missed out on :(
Thank you once again for your prayers and support. We are very happy and thankful to be sitting at 32 weeks, but we're hopeful to make it at least another 4 weeks.
Happy 4th of July! Stay cool!
I think God must have known that I needed a little boost because this exciting news came at just the right time! After a complete month of bedrest, I have been wondering how I was ever going to survive another whole month of sitting around doing nothing. (I really should have jumped up and given the doctor a big bear hug when he gave me the news :) This weekend was especially challenging from an emotional standpoint - this weekend my dad's entire side of the family (including my out-of-state relatives) were all up at my parents' cabin for the annual Meyer family weekend at the lake, and we obviously couldn't go this year. DJ's parents were down at our house this weekend for a family wedding, and while they were here, they helped paint the baby's room. I am VERY thankful for all of their help and it feels great to finally have that done; however, it broke my heart knowing that I was missing the big family weekend at the lake AND I wasn't able to help paint my own baby's room!
Here are some pictures of the painting that I missed out on :(
Brecken had to paint a little too |
"Bucka" Al helped entertain Brecken after taping the room, and he mowed our lawn too! |
Grandma Linda hard at work |
DJ |
All done! I guess we could've just color-matched Brecken's shirt - he blends right in! |
So far I haven't really taken advantage of my new privileges...yesterday I spent the entire morning at the Abbott Northwestern Perinatal Clinic and then also had to run to the local clinic in the afternoon for my weekly injection, so I figured that all of those appointments pretty much took care of my 2-4 hours. Today I didn't do much either, but I am going to sit at the kitchen table here shortly to make a dessert for our 4th of July celebration tomorrow. I am happy that I'm able to contribute something for our little party so DJ has one less thing to worry about (and the other family is bringing food as well). We are very excited that we have another family coming over tomorrow afternoon to celebrate with us, and I am ecstatic that I will actually be able to sit up in a normal chair for part of the time to visit and hang out with them :)Thank you once again for your prayers and support. We are very happy and thankful to be sitting at 32 weeks, but we're hopeful to make it at least another 4 weeks.
Happy 4th of July! Stay cool!
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