August 2013

August 2013
Photo by KME Photography

Monday, May 2, 2011

Ear Infection #2 and a busy weekend!

Yes, Brecken had another right ear infection over Easter weekend. He did pretty well through Easter - just a runny nose, cough, and more mellow than usual. BUT after spending Sunday night cuddling in the recliner all night, I decided to take him to the doctor on that next Monday. It turned out he had his 2nd ear infection. It's amazing how content he is even with an ear infection. We never know when we should take him to the doctor, or if it's just a cold. However, Brecken normally sleeps like a champ and Sunday night he would cough like crazy and then cry every couple of minutes! I finally said enough of this, and tried keeping him upright in the recliner with me. It worked great and he slept really well. Me, on the other hand, not so much, but thankfully I had Easter Monday off of work :)

This weekend was insanely busy! Friday night, I volunteered at our school carnival. Saturday we spent most of the day preparing to speak at our Sunday night church service ("The Gathering"). Our friend, Bjorn, (we met him and Esther when I was in the hospital on bed rest, as they had just gone through a similar experience with their twin girls) is the pastor at that service. Well right now they are all in Germany for a month visiting Esther's family, so he asked for people to speak on the Sundays while they are away. Lucky us, we got to be first and have the most challenging topic (according to Bjorn anyway) I was a nervous-wreck and Saturday we took turns watching Brecken and preparing for our speech.

Sunday, we had our March for Babies walk. It was lots of fun, and we always enjoy walking in honor of our miracle boy, Brecken! It was FREEZING cold, so we had to cut the route a bit short but it was still a great event. They had an incredible turn-out despite the extremely cold weather and nasty wind. Then after the walk, I was off to bridesmaid dress shopping for a wedding I'm in in November. After that, I quick picked up a couple groceries, shoveled in our dinner, and then we were off to church to speak! Uff da! The presentation went well, and I'm definitely relieved that it's done now :) It's a small service, so that definitely helped ease my nerves!

That's all the updates for now...I'm hoping for warmer temperatures in the coming days!

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